Work Packages

Malaria Vaccine Pilot Evaluation-Case Control

WP1 Title: Implementation of clinical case control study embedded in MVPE (Clinical) outcome – Meningitis, severe malaria, cerebral malaria).

The objectives of work package 1 are to obtain ethics and regulatory approvals in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi; develop standard operating procedures, and recruit and follow up all study participants for the meningitis, severe malaria and cerebral malaria case control study

WP2 Title: Implementation of mortality case control study embedded in MVPE

The objectives of work package 2 are to obtain ethics and regulatory approvals in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi; develop standard operating procedures, and, recruit and follow up all study participants for the mortality case control study

WP3 Title: Development of study protocols, standard operating procedures, and data management tools, and statistical analyses

Work package 3 seeks to contribute to development of protocol and SOPs ensuring use of rigorous, best practice methodology; develop and implement a data management plan; develop and implement a statistical analysis plan, and to develop a toolkit of case-control methodology in assessing vaccine safety and effectiveness

WP4 Title: Capacity building among researchers and program managers of Ministries of Health

Objectives of work package 4 are to 1) conduct 3 webinars on a) case-control methodology, b) data analysis of case-control studies, and c) reporting of case-control studies with special focus on safety and effectiveness during scale up of malaria vaccines; and 2) conduct on-site training with practical sessions for MoH from target countries who will travel to the pilot countries during the conduct of the studies in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi

WP5 Title: Community engagement and dissemination of lessons learned from case-control studies, including policy implications, and leveraged by MVIP communications funded through the larger programme

Work package 5 seeks to create awareness of the goals, methodologies, and outcomes of the case-control studies, highlighting implications for policymaking; identify key stakeholder groups at national and subnational levels; create opportunities for stakeholders at multiple levels to understand and engage with the evidence generated by the case-control studies in the context of findings of the wider pilot evaluation.

dditionally, we will facilitate sharing of messages and information related to the studies’ goals, methodologies, and outcomes among project partners in the participating countries in the interest of aligning communications and building internal project cohesion, and, translation of evidence from the scientific research into policy-relevant tools and materials, to support policymaking and broader efforts to save lives from malaria.

WP6 Title: Project management and coordination

Objectives of work package 6 are to;

  • set-up an efficient management infrastructure including management bodies, independent scientific and ethics advisory committee, data safety and monitoring board, and management procedures and tools.
  • ensure observance of the required ethical standards.
  • conduct contractual management of the consortium.
  • implement day-to-day operational project management and,
  • strengthen project management capacities.

This project is part of the
EDCTP2 Programme supported by the European Union (RIA2020S-3310 – MVPE-CC)